What is Paramedical Skincare?

Put simply, the term ‘paramedical’ can relate to a service that supports medical work and is provided by professionals outside the realm of fully qualified doctors. With the booming business of the beauty industry, the savvy consumer, and the abundance of skin issues faced by everyday people, paramedical skincare is a highly sought after and specialised field that moves the skincare industry beyond just pampering or limited anti-ageing treatments. 

A paramedical skin technician is a licensed professional who has acquired more advanced training and experience in the medical and scientific aspects behind the skin to enable them to deliver an appropriate diagnosis. They evaluate skin conditions and provide individualised, result-orientated solution options for clients, and all treatments are designed to remove, rebuild and protect the skin by way of improving skin and cellular function, which can also include pre and post-cosmetic surgery care. 

So, back to the original question, what exactly is paramedical skincare? Well, with DMK paramedical skincare, the formulations are strong, complex, and effective, whereby only trained, and licensed paramedical skincare technicians can use them for treatments and prescribe them for home care routines.

This differs from prescription medication, which can only be provided through a doctor, and over the counter skincare you can buy at your local shops. Instead, DMK can only be used after a consultation with a DMK trained skin technician to ensure the client doesn’t cause their skin trauma with the wrong product and that by following the direction of a licensed professional, they will get real results! 

So more about the skincare – DMK’s revolutionary products and treatments work with the structure and function of the skin, it doesn’t just treat the surface.

This exciting skincare system is based on the principle that cells of the skin respond positively to the chemistry they recognise. Unlike many over-the-counter skincare programs, DMK treatments and products work with the skin, rather than merely acting on it. Only by ensuring skin is functioning optimally, can we generate long-lasting results. This is where DMK paramedical treatments excel, as they are designed to trigger a response from the skin, to create healthier, fuller, more lively skin for the years to come. 

DMK does not just peel the skin, it embraces a solid concept of REMOVE, REBUILD, PROTECT, and MAINTAIN. Anyone can remove the skin, but the strongest power comes from the rebuilding phase, working on optimal skin functioning to then ensure we have a stronger, healthier, and better functioning skin to replace the one being revised, addressing the root cause of the presenting skin condition. Only when we address what the root cause is, can we truly instigate change, and at DMK, we address the condition AND the cause. 

DMK paramedical skin revision is a collection of successful products and treatments that have been developed by DMK scientists to address skin conditions such as severe acne, deep wrinkles or stubborn pigmentation and scarring. They are based on a natural healing approach using various modalities and botanical chemistry to restore skin functionality. 

The essence of DMK paramedical skin revision is to refine the skin through the removal of dead skin cells and the rebuilding of functionality. 

Want to find out more? Ask your Therapist today!